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50 ways to Boost your mojo (by Elaine Forth


My bestie (of ahem... 40 years!) is an amazing person and brilliant inspirational blog writer and all round fab person! Many of you will know her from yoga or my social media!

She wrote the below amazing blog (below), and you can follow her blog on

For my 50th blog, I wanted to do something a bit different to bring together some of the wellbeing topics I have covered. SO I decided to change the lyrics to the Paul Simon song ‘50 ways to lose your lover’ (listen to the original here) and instead wrote 50 ways to boost your mojo. 50 WAYS TO BOOST YOUR MOJO

It isn’t easy being well all of the time, We need to find some ways to keep our mind in line, So I will help you with this blog-inspired rhyme, there must be 50 ways to boost your MOJO…. If you embrace each day and live life to the max, You can find a way to keep chilled and relaxed, Life’s a challenge so it’s good to find some hacks, there must be 50 ways to boost your MOJO…50 ways to boost your MOJO Get some more ZZZZs please, Eat the right food, dude, Laugh every day, yay, Set your brain free Cut down on the cals, pal Don’t dwell on what is done, hun

Find time for zen, friend Set your brain free I hope my blog provides some tips to bring you glee, Health and wellbeing can be nailed by you and me Find work-life balance and then you will clearly see, there are 50 ways to boost your mojo….50 ways to boost your mojo

Love instead of hate, mate Let your feelings show, mo Try hard to stress, less

And life will be sweet Keep your loved ones near, dear Find a purpose you don’t fear Accept all that you are, star And life will be sweet….yes life will be sweet

Me and Elaine larking about (as we do) at a yoga festival some years ago!

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